Tenex Health, Inc. develops and markets a minimally invasive treatment for joint pain related to over-use tendon injuries. Its proprietary system, born out of the Mayo Clinic, combines a set of specifically designed micro-surgical tools that precisely and quickly removes damaged tendon tissue in an office-based setting.

TransacXion Technologies Corporation’s proprietary process provides banks with new tools for financing their clients’ sales and purchases by establishing a system that interconnects banks, insurers, carriers, buyers and sellers in an automated platform. The Company, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, was awarded “The Hottest Start-Up of the Year” by the Canadian government in 2012.

Intuitus XRX Properties holds minority investments in three Class A commercial real estate facilities consisting of 350,000+ square feet. The properties are located in Atlanta, GA, Baltimore, MD and Orlando, FL. Each property is 100% leased to a single tenant.

Celtaxsys, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing innovative pharmaceutical products by controlling immune cell traffic. The technology platform captures the synergy between three key areas of discovery: immunorepulsion, neutrophil-mediated disease and reactive iatrogenic dermatitis. Celtaxsys’ mission is to treat pathogenic immune cell trafficking, leading to better therapeutic outcomes for patients.

Cytograft Tissue Engineering, Inc. is a leader in the field of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine. Using a patient’s own cells, the company is able to repair diseased cardiovascular organs. Through Cytograft’s sheet-based tissue engineering, it is researching and developing a tissue-engineered blood vessel as an alternative for bypass candidates lacking the healthy native vessels required for traditional vascular reconstruction.